Statistics About Internet of Things (IoT) Part - 4

  1. By 2019, 1.9 billion smart home devices are expected to be shipped. This could bring a potential revenue worth $490 billion.
  2. IoT smart devices have a deeper penetration in manufacturing, healthcare, and business than in our homes or phones. By 2025 the global worth of IoT tech is projected at $6.2 trillion, with the maximum value from healthcare ($2.5 trillion) and Manufacturing ($2.3 trillion).
  3. The number of internet connected “things” already exceeded our population back in 2008. By 2020 this number is expected to reach 50 billion. A whopping $19 trillion is anticipated as cost-savings and profits from this investments.
  4. The potential for future growth is massive. Only 0.06% of all the devices that could potentially leverage IoT are actually doing so. This makes the remaining 99.94% available for optimization.
  5. Of all the business who chose to implement IoT, 94% have already seen a return on their IoT investments.
  6. The market for smart cars and connected cars is also a huge market. The percent of internet connected cars is expected to rise from 10% in 2012 to a whopping 90% by 2020.


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