What is 5G? – Understanding The New Technology
What is 5G? – Understanding The New Technology The next telecommunications standards - 5G is the coming fifth-generation wireless broadband technology. An important goal of 5G is to erase the differences between wireline and wireless networking to accommodate the growing mobility of network users. Major Specifications are. Latency 5G wireless technology have must lower latency than 4G – latency being the time needed for a packet of data to move across a network or series of networks. Nokia believes 5G will be a system that provides a “scalable and flexible service experience with virtually zero latency” The below 1 ms latency will enable users to enjoy faster download and upload speed. Low latency will also facilitate real-time communication between a wide range of connected devices. Bandwidth - Speed Bandwidth refers to the amount of data that can be moved (uploaded or downloaded) through a network over a given time. 5G h...